L’aspirante autore ha dichiaratamente espulso con foga estrema il suo narrare lirico al di fuori della finestra nella speranza che possa stare almeno libero dall’affanno dei versi.
Semplice illusione?
I versi spinti in fuori ribussano continuamente alla porta e, nonostante non voglia affatto vederli, è costretto a dare anche solo un minuscolo posticino sulla carta per soddisfarne l’inevitabile composizione.
Fortunatamente il tono surreale si mantiene e non solo, grazie ad una scultura estremamente significativa, si materializza un filo che penetra con decisione all’interno di un blocco parallelepipedo.
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riproduzione di una scultura collocata ad Atri (TE) | - opera forse di Dumbo 86 |
Davanti agli sguardi attoniti si dipana una mostra di opere d’arte estemporanee dal titolo “Come tanti minuscoli io”.
Le ambientazioni ricordano molto da vicino situazioni di vita contemporanea, ma vi è sempre qualcosa che ne distoglie la normalità dai tranquilli binari del naturale scorrere di tutti i giorni.
L’arte, si sa, mantiene spesso una parvenza di ermetismo che non consente a volte di recepirne il messaggio nascosto.
Ci sono piuttosto dei passi che indicano il percorso da seguire, per non perdere il filo e dei suggerimenti, riposti in luoghi non immediatamente in vista, per essere notati solo in secondi momenti, dopo essere rimasti sconcertati davanti alle stranezze delle espressioni artistiche, spesso apparentemente incompiute.
All’interno, proprio nel mezzo del cammino, si assiste anche al monologo di uno strano personaggio.
Le ambientazioni si susseguono senza sosta e gli spettatori sentono via via la fatica di questa mostra che si snoda incessante.
Per puro caso ritrovano l’uscita ed appena in tempo.
Non solo le opere sono tutte chiaramente temporanee e come tali facilmente dissolvibili, anche la mostra è a termine e scompare improvvisamente.
The aspiring author has declared its extreme heat expelled to the outside of the lyrical narrative window, hoping it will stay at least dall'affanno of free verse.
Mere illusion?
The verses continually pushed out the door and knocks again, despite not want to see them at all, is forced to give even a tiny little place on paper to satisfy the inevitable breakdown.
Fortunately, the tone is maintained and not just surreal, thanks to a highly significant sculpture, materializes a thread enters a decision within a block box.
Before the astonished eyes unfolds an impromptu exhibition of works of art titled "How many tiny self."
The environments closely resemble situations of contemporary life, but there is always something that distracts from the normal quiet of the natural flow of the tracks every day.
The art, it is known, often keeps a semblance of obscurity that will not allow time to transpose the hidden message.
There are quite of the steps that indicate the route to follow, not to lose the thread and suggestions, stored in places not immediately in sight, to be noticed only later, after being overwhelmed by the strangeness of artistic expression, often apparently unfinished.
Inside, in the middle of the road, we are witness to a strange character monologue.
The environments follow each other relentlessly and gradually the audience feel the fatigue of this exhibition that runs incessantly.
By pure chance and find the exit just in time.
Not only do all the works are clearly temporary, and as such easily dissolvable, the exhibition is at term and disappears suddenly.
The aspiring author has declared its extreme heat expelled to the outside of the lyrical narrative window, hoping it will stay at least dall'affanno of free verse.
Mere illusion?
The verses continually pushed out the door and knocks again, despite not want to see them at all, is forced to give even a tiny little place on paper to satisfy the inevitable breakdown.
Fortunately, the tone is maintained and not just surreal, thanks to a highly significant sculpture, materializes a thread enters a decision within a block box.
Before the astonished eyes unfolds an impromptu exhibition of works of art titled "How many tiny self."
The environments closely resemble situations of contemporary life, but there is always something that distracts from the normal quiet of the natural flow of the tracks every day.
The art, it is known, often keeps a semblance of obscurity that will not allow time to transpose the hidden message.
There are quite of the steps that indicate the route to follow, not to lose the thread and suggestions, stored in places not immediately in sight, to be noticed only later, after being overwhelmed by the strangeness of artistic expression, often apparently unfinished.
Inside, in the middle of the road, we are witness to a strange character monologue.
The environments follow each other relentlessly and gradually the audience feel the fatigue of this exhibition that runs incessantly.
By pure chance and find the exit just in time.
Not only do all the works are clearly temporary, and as such easily dissolvable, the exhibition is at term and disappears suddenly.